Do you have a relative who served as crew during the war? Maybe you have a photo of them in uniform, lined up with the rest of their crew, or would like a scene depicting a particular mission showing their aircraft in action.

I create high quality original art for people to admire and enjoy, and I want this service to be available to as many people as possible; not limiting the reach of my artwork by overcharging simply because my paintings are popular. I therefore price my paintings fairly and sensibly based upon size, level of detail and expected time to complete.

I receive many requests to paint scenes featuring WWII aircraft/crew where a family relative was a crew member.

It's a great way of paying tribute to their contribution and service during the war and brings those memories and stories to life in a painting that will be cherished and passed down through future generations.

Anything is possible when it comes to your painting. For example, you may have a photo of the crew, but they're not infront of their aircraft; or maybe they are infront, but too close and you'd also like to see the aircraft with noseart and markings.

Here is an original photo I worked from and then the painting I created, with crew still infront of their B-17 "The Noble Effort"; but panned back to include more of their aircraft.

Further examples of paintings and the original reference photos....

I can also create collage style scenes where the relative/family member is depicted as a larger portrait within the painting. Here are two examples....

I dedicate the same high level of detail to each of my projects; with a variety of sizes to suit different budgets.

Do you have a scene in mind you'd like created? Click the button below to send me your enquiry. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully creating your perfect painting.

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